
Amal reflects on first 100 days

What is it like behind the scenes in the Marex office?

Marex’s newest recruit – junior risk engineer Amal Purushu – reflects on what joining the team has been like

My first 100 days at Marex as a junior risk engineer have been an experience of learning and growing.

But more than that, I’ve felt truly welcomed into an amazing organisation that values collaboration and development.

The support that I have received from my colleagues has been immense. Marex’s supportive and warm environment has helped me adapt quickly and made me feel like part of a family.

The fact I’m working and learning alongside experienced professionals in the industry has been a factor I cherish. The obvious intimidation as a new start soon faded. The fact that I sit next to the managing director and how accommodating the team is towards me is still a fascination among my peers outside work.

New experiences

The past 100 days have been a whirlwind of new experiences and opportunities. One of the highlights was working on the HSE safety case project. Learning under the guidance of Neil Smeaton, our risk manager and director, was a wonderful experience which added new layers to my technical expertise.

On this project, I had the opportunity to work with BowTieXP to examine and update safety case reports. This hands-on experience - combined with the training I received - has given me a solid understanding of risk assessments in our operations. It was a great feeling to put my new skills to use right away.

The gap analysis for the Qatar Energy project was another key project.

I spent time studying international regulatory documents on ports' emergency response plans and provided inputs that were essential for the project.

Building confidence

Reflecting on these past 100 days, the biggest takeaway for me has been the mentorship and support from my colleagues, helping me bridge the gap between my previous experience and the demands of this new role.

It’s not just about the technical skills – it’s about the confidence they’ve helped me build, both personally and professionally. It’s not just about the work – it’s about the relationships and the growth of everyone on the team.

What truly sets Marex apart is the work culture. There’s a mutual respect and understanding among colleagues that makes it easy to thrive. Whether it’s a discussion about work or simply having a chat over coffee, there’s a sense of community here that I really appreciate.

As I look forward to the journey ahead, I’m excited about what’s to come.

These first 100 days have been just the beginning, and I can’t wait to continue growing and contributing to the team.



  • The Marex team is here to help you develop a more dynamic risk culture, and to support and facilitate faster and more effective decision-making - find out more about them all here.
Neil Smeaton

Amal Purushu Junior risk engineer

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